In this live Q&A, Amir Tsarfati is joined by Pastor Barry Stagner to answer your questions on Bible prophecy, current events, and much more.
You can find a written document of this Q&A here.
Topics discussed include:
– Syria: The fall of Assad’s regime, Israel’s role, and the ripple effects for Iran and Lebanon.
– Bible Prophecy: The connection between the fall of Damascus and the Ezekiel 38 war.
– Middle East Updates: What’s next for Israel, Lebanon, and Syria in the coming days.
– The Rapture: Where does the Rapture fit in with the current prophetic timeline?
– Messianic Judaism: The impact of the war on Messianic Jews in Israel.
Amir and Pastor Barry also discuss Isaiah 53, the significance of the Jewish Messiah, and the differences between how it’s interpreted in Judaism and Christianity.
Watch as they answer deep, insightful questions and share biblical perspectives on current events unfolding in the Middle East.
Don’t miss this important conversation on the state of the world through the lens of Bible prophecy!
Will the dramatic change in Syria bring peace or more turmoil? And do you see any ripple effects for a change in Iran and Lebanon as well? (4:05)
Can the events since October 7th possibly be part of an Ezekiel 38 reinterpretation? (9:55)
Could the current Israeli occupation (Israeli territory) of the Golan Heights be elaborated on? (14:50)
Why must there still be sin and death in the Millennium Kingdom? (20:05)
Why did the Syrian president (Assad) go to Russia? (24:40)
What’s next with eschatological events? (28:05)
What does the movement of Messianic Judaism look like in Israel now? Did it change through this war? (31:45)
Is it possible that the Iranian people will have a chance to rise up against the regime for their freedom? (37:40)
According to Ezekiel 38:1-6, Magog (Russia) will need help acquiring the land of Israel and will form a confederation of nations to attack the Promised Land. Are European nations included? (43:00)
When we get raptured and get our glorified bodies, will children still be children? (46:50)
What is the best way to put Isaiah 53 into ‘view’? The Orthodox skip over this, but many have come to the Messiah when they read it. (49:00)
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Who are the ones without glorified bodies?
I am so envious of their memory for scripture. I am creeping up on 70 and have read the bible well over 100 times but 6 mini strokes later I have lost so much of my memory that many of the things they talk about sound new but at the 54 minute mark they talk about the woman and it sounding incorrect but if you have researched these things , you will find that in the early Hebrew writings the Holy Spirit was almost always written in the feminine form PNEUMA breath as the warmer softer side of the Creator, but the early Roman Church Fathers said HOW CAN a female Holy Spirit get Mary pregnant so in their infinite stupidity changed the wording to the male form being Ruach. Mary was not impregnated BY the Holy Spirit but transferred Fathers DNA code BY LIGHT FREQUENCY thru the emerald rainbow around the throne of Penuel or Pineal gland. This DMT hormone creates a physical rainbow of light as proven in 1931. In a man there is a Light. It is transmitted down Mary's spines Cerebral Spinal Fluid like a fiberoptic cable into Mary's womb immaculately meaning flawlessly just as you would make a phone call thru a fiberoptic cable. USE this knowledge for Muslim witnessing. The bible has a blueprint of the human brain when you read it like a jigsaw puzzle starting at PENUEL and its 7 definitions as the key piece and when you know its location you apply all associated scriptures to that location and build outwards using biblical association and the science or design of each brain location. It is a hidden parable ALL in Symbolism and God has blinded man from seeing this until now. You will find cells that represent the 4 beasts, the Cherubim and Seraphim, the horses of Zech6, and 100 other verses. It also corrects the wording where man has screwed up in mistranslation. READ ALL visions in symbolism as an anatomy book for you are the temple. This is why the numbers repeat across scripture. We are in the time where knowledge is increased. God hid a pattern of the bible into Adams brain before the bible had ever been inspired to be written and then directed mans feet to fulfill the stories. ONE WAY, ONE TRUTH Jesus. His proof evolution is the lie, and I AM a created being. Jesus is Lord
Thank you for this video! I learn all the Word of God by the messages of william Branham, the prophet of God confirmed by supernatural signs, like fire torch , the angel of God present beside him , the cloud , visions of the future ,others incredible visible signs…for our time. And many questions here on the rapture of The Bride are answered clearly, because his first ministry was to prepare the churche to become THE BRIDE. .I have been touched by the Spirit of God to receive his seed in 2017. I am so blessed since I listen the band and read his sermons.He reveiled that the two Witnesses of Rev are jewish like Amir !
I love these Q&A programs.
Thank you and may God continue blessing you men! I love you, brothers!
Shalom from Germany! Praying there will be awakening in Israel und God give bessing to your nation and prodecting for the IDF. ❤
Wonderful teaching and teachers. Thank you always for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us. We must always remember( Matthew 5:44-45) where he tells us that we must always pray for our enemies so that they too can be saved. Am praying for peace for Israel and everyone caught up in these wars around the world. God bless. 🙏🙏🙏
Do you believe the rest of the hostages will be released and alive before January 20th?
Fellow Christians…how long will you allow others to interpret your own Bible? A tactic specifically targeted towards our sleepy American believers as they are rocked slowly off the track of Truth, which IS The Eternal Love and Jesus Himself. (anyone denying this is "of the antiChrist spirit"). I respectfully use the Archangel's request.. "may God REBUKE you!" Where is your compassion for your fellow man?…Your total disregard for the welfare of human life and dignity? At this point it is intentional ignorance… you are completely "waxed cold". How will you answer when asked "when I was hungry you did not feed me, cloth me,… come to my rescue…." May your souls quake with great sorrow and repentance! You stand on shaking ground… supporting mass murder, torture, starvation, (and so much more that is indescribably despicable) of the innocent. This will be on your own heads. 'By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War', right Amir?? NOT my Jesus! Who are you praying to? This is where the weeping and gnashing of teeth comes in. Rethink as you currently have the blood of tens of thousands on your souls.
Read Matt, 24, 14:"This good news of the kingdom shall be proclimed in the hole world as a testimony to all the nations, AND THEN THE END WILL COME.❤
Why not take back Nazareth, Jericho, Bethlehem, Hebron , Judea, Samaria and Ramallah?
I hope Israel will rule and build up Gaza❤
In the Bible, "Messianic Jews" were called "Christians." In Christ, there is no Jew/Greek distinction. Let's not make a special category for Jewish Believers.
True on Jesus in the flesh, but He's beautiful in His reserected body, can't wait to see Him face to face🙌🏼🙏🏼✝️📖🗡️
My friends I have a New video for you on Bible Prophecy and the End Times. Please consider going to Papa Joe Fortner or Shockwaves of the End Times or The Watchmen Series with Papa Joe. Thank you and God bless you 🙏