1000 Israeli musicians sing with one voice, BRING THEM HOME! – Homeland concert

We wanted to share this inspirational music video produced in the Caesarea Amphitheatre by over 1000 Israelis, some who are families of the hostages held by Hamas Terrorists. Please share this powerful concert and comment below to show your support for the victims and hostages! HOMELAND CONCERT Vision & Production: TALYA YAROM Music Arrangement: ERAN…

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3 Ambulances with Extra Saving Power

Er zijn nu drie ambulances in Israël met het Bijbelvers: “Och, dat er redding uit Sion zou komen!” uit Psalm 14:7. In het Hebreeuws staat er echter: “Och, dat Yeshua uit Sion zou komen!” Zoals u zich misschien herinnert, betekent de naam van Jezus redding. Waarom? Omdat zoals de engel Gabriël Jozef instrueerde: “U zult…

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Jews and Arabs celebrating Jesus as ONE in Jerusalem! – What a beautiful name O Come all ye Faithful

In this time of war we wanted to join together as Jewish and Arab followers of Jesus. No matter when you celebrate, our passion is to point people to the narrative of salvation and find unity in worshiping our King Messiah. Your donations to ONE FOR ISRAEL help support local Jewish and Arab Israeli believing…

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