MidEast Update: The Fall of Damascus

Join us for a special MidEast Update live from CONNECT with Amir! Gain fresh insights as Amir explores the prophetic and modern significance of Syria and Damascus, from their biblical roots to the rise of the Assad regime and Shia influence. He’ll also uncover the dynamics of Julani and his organization, offering a comprehensive perspective on the region. Amir will also aim to answer your questions in the last portion of the update. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of these critical events!

0:09 – Introduction & Prayer
2:56 – The importance and history of Damascus
5:00 – Overview of Syria’s historical significance
6:32 – Sykes-Picot Agreement and French mandate over Syria
7:57 – The rise of Hafez Al-Assad and his regime
10:00 – The brutal repression of the Hama Uprising in 1982
12:22 – Assad’s chemical attacks on civilians, including the 2013 chemical attack
13:21 – The start of the Syrian civil war in 2011 and its spread
15:35 – The role of ISIS and foreign intervention, including Russian and Iranian support
16:47 – Current situation in Syria and the impact of recent Israeli actions
17:05 – The rebels’ role and changing power dynamics in Syria
20:26 – The Kurdish forces and their role in the conflict
23:53 – The fall of Damascus and Syria’s future
24:29 – Israel’s actions to protect its borders and influence over Syria
27:26 – Israeli Air Force operations in Syria
30:00 – Bible prophecy and the future of Damascus
32:10 – The rise of Islamic extremism in Syria and its implications for Israel
36:38 – Question about Iran’s involvement in Syria and future conflicts
37:31 – The role of Turkey in the conflict
41:37 – The possibility of a nuclear attack and how Israel would respond
43:44 – Thoughts on the biblical significance of current events in the Middle East
48:37 – Israel’s strategies and plans to ensure security in the region
52:09 – How to be Saved and go to Heaven.

Syria, Damascus, Hafez Al-Assad, Syrian Civil War, ISIS, Iran, Israel, Turkey, Bible Prophecy, Chemical Weapons, Middle East Update, Israel’s Defense, Nuclear Conflict, Israeli Air Force, Biblical Significance, Christian Faith, Future of Damascus, Middle East Politics

30 gedachten over “MidEast Update: The Fall of Damascus

  1. If you follow the Money-Trail, you will know that THEY are all in it for the Money, Manipulation, Power & Control.

    THEY are Puppets of the LAWLESS ONE.
    When you know, you know!

    This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD.

    Jeremiah 17:5/7

    Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord…

  2. Amir you are not only teacher of prophecy but also history. This is so helpful in understanding the middle East.
    Thank you and l pray for blessins from God foy you, your staff, Netanyahu and his cabinet, and all of Israel, and the hostages and their families. May God grant Israel victory and peace. ❤

  3. Look in Mathew 24:1Start from verse 1. It tells you the do not be deceived. Many will come saying that they are Christ. 29. Immediately after the tribulation the sun will wad darken body the moon will loose its light. And the powers of
    Heaven will be shaken. Sound like a nuclear war to me. Then the Lord will return to stop this destruction, with power and great glory.31 He will send his angels to gather together his elect from the all over the earth. So there's no rapture before that. The reall church and everyone else will go through this bad time. Ready all of Mathew 24. It tells what's going to happen. Then Acts 2 when the 120 relieve the Holy Spirit at the day of Pentecost. And spoke in tongues. You must be born again of spirt and me water like Jesus told Nicodemus. John 3:3 or you can not enter into the kingdom of God. Acts 10:44. Acts 19:1-9. 1 Corinthians 14:1 read all of it. This is one of the really churches in the early days of the apostles. The Bible doesn't change. Men through satan changes things, so people can't know the truth. But read the scriptures and pray for the Holy Spirit and the Lord will give it to you with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues. Amen

  4. Christians are suffering for Jews in America we need financial support what is 0310 aide and 04080 aid receipt numbers? On my receipts my life savings money what is ledbetter? Who is investigating India? AT&T Uverse time? Hartsfield Airport ed Robinette China Delta Airlines filth and garbage Kirk Goodall hogs stealth wealthy serial killers for a social rank HARVARD ivy League right?

  5. Amir there is no secret imminent pre-tribulation rapture. There is only one explanation for belief in this myth and that is it is a spiritual. Stronghold. Jesus only mentioned one gathering Matt 24:31

  6. Stop your propaganda… you're selling fake prophecy… Amir Tsarfati you say no Jews will go hell but whoever don't stand with Jews for even genocide they will go hell… guess you and your followers will be rotting in hell..the Satan of synagogue… you're saying the blood of Jesus is lesser than Israel? Israel is salvation? Seriously? Amir Tsarfati Zionist illuminati nothing more

  7. Oh, this is so informative Amir I thank you so much for doing this. I have appreciated you loved you and feel like you’re my juice little brother I am almost 80 years old bed Bev after a stroke and it’s your teachings and things similar to you that follow me and keep follow rather and keep me going every day. God bless you. I love you

  8. The nation of Israel is the only servant of God and Jacob is the descendant of Abraham whom I chose from the ends of the earth, do not worry because I am your God, I will help you and I will hold you firmly with my right hand that brings you victory Amen 🙏❤🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. Isreal cant be the best military force in the world if theve killed mor survillins then assumerb🎉🎉l there main targets not even in anchaint times he ave there been more stroppy war attacks in war then isreal preformf as a shor be for nations one is condemed evil the other is good yeyt its a dictator ship between both nation as shortly as onw feels the biggest lose thee other believes it has always been a gathering of stones and a casting of stones a time for peacce a time for war a time for hate a tiime for hate a time for love or spy unit in the world that eas just using other nations to get powers to fund. Both belifes for seasnal war the jacob and a easua war to nations uder one family and law it is the stupidest war ever recorded in time nations have just been indoctrined as christian nation to feeed the true destroyer who satan loves brother killing brother spy's on both sides killers on both i dont get it

  10. Conquest of a continent: or, The expansion of races in American, by Madison Grant 1933 A.D.

    the steamship companies, which began scouring Europe for immigrants to transport to America. The most fertile recruiting ground for this type of humanity was in South Europe, Italy, the Balkan countries, and the provinces of the then Austrian Empire and Russia. Inducements were offered potential immigrants to come to America. There was no discrimination as to type or quality. Many criminals were rounded up, especially in southern Italy and Sicily, with the connivance if not the actual initiative of their governments.

    It was in this period that the Polish Jews began their tumultuous and frantic invasion. The great mass of immigrants from South Poland, Galicia, and Russia were Askanazim Jews, descendants in part of Alpine Khozars who entered eastern Ukraine from Asia in the early centuries of our era. Many of the Khozars and their Khan were converted by Jewish missionaries and they formally accepted Judaism in 740 a.d. It is doubtful whether there is a single drop of the old Palestinian, Semitic- speaking Hebrew blood among these East European Jews. The language they speak, Judisch, or Yiddish, is a corrupt German of the Franconian dialect mixed with Slavic and Hebrew elements, which fact strengthens the tradition of a large migration of German Jews into Poland in the Middle Ages. … page 224 -225

  11. God Bless President Trump and Protect Him and his Team and Families Of All🇮🇱🕎☦️🇬🇷✝️🌏✝️🌍✝️🌎🔔✨

  12. God Bless President Trump and Protect Him and his Team and Families Of All🇮🇱🕎☦️🇬🇷✝️🌏✝️🌍✝️🌎🔔✨

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