‘What I witnessed will be with me forever’: Military doctor who volunteered in Israel speaks out

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I’ve been in Israel for almost three weeks now reporting on the war between the Jewish state and Hamas. In this interview, I spoke with Zev Neuwirth, a Florida-based military physician who dropped everything to fly to Israel and volunteer his services following the Hamas surprise attack on October 7. While in the middle of celebrating the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, Zev pulled his medical equipment and prepared to travel to Israel. Since then he has been working primarily alongside advanced tactical units of the Israel Defense Forces in order to treat military personnel injured in the war.

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23 gedachten over “‘What I witnessed will be with me forever’: Military doctor who volunteered in Israel speaks out

  1. This is horrible on so many levels, and my question remains, how did these Hamas terrorists gain access Undetected? This is the country who has great technology, training and military readiness. Their protective forces (mossad) are placed in many groups. I hope this isn't a sellout at the highest level to advance some terrible distraction from other atrocities or agendas from the evil intrenched in our world. The loss of innocent life is never justified.

  2. The people denying what happened in Israel are just like those who say the US government is responsible for the 911 attacks and the holocaust leading up to WWII never happened. May their eyes may soon be opened.
    HAMAS supporters are just as guilty as the terrorist organization “HAMAS” itself. That goes for Hezbollah too. Unfortunately if you surround yourself with evil, there is a chance that you might be hurt or worse, when that evil is rooted out.
    May God bless all those who are helping the people of Israel.

  3. The videos Hamas took of their vile barbarism towards unarmed children at a music festival and at the kibbutz and other targets is online for anyone to see! They were in EXCTASY as they committed their atrocities! They WANTED the world to see this! They are Islamist Fascists no different than the SS or ISIS!
    That is what all of the anti-Israel protests in the West are supporting.

  4. To all you so called Christian's let me ask you something who comes first before the return of Jesus??? And do you think god needs help in making prophecy come true in this sick twisted way!!??!! Also they dont believe in Jesus and say he's boiling in feces! Oh yeah almost forgot Israel helped Armenia ethnicity cleanse all there Christian's!!

  5. What about the Christians in Palestinian oh yeah never mind they killed like 40% of them in one strike of the 3rd oldest church in the world!!

  6. I totally agree with this guy as an British veteran. WAR is not pretty in any form but these guys, and I talk about ALL of them the Taliban, ISIS, hamas, etc. They may have a different name but the same ideology that WE are all bad and need to convert or be eradicated. They must be stopped. This ideology is exactly what hitla had in mind.

  7. Shame on a military targets children hospitals and ambulances, shame shame shame. Nuclear power country fighting a concentration camp. Do you think you are heroes, we all know no soldier of yours can face those freedom fighters without wearing a nappy.

  8. so sad do heart brocken so horrible we are at war with satan himselt and his minions may GOD rebuke them all in jesus name amen and may jesus king of kings of kings deliver us from all evildouers in jesus name amen

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